Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms & Causes

Home Afflux Dentistry Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms & Causes


The emergence of wisdom teeth is a natural part of dental development, but for many individuals, these third molars can become problematic. When wisdom teeth do not have enough space to grow properly or emerge at odd angles, they become impacted. This condition can lead to various symptoms and, in some cases, necessitate emergency wisdom tooth removal. In this article, we explore the symptoms and causes of impacted wisdom teeth, shedding light on the importance of timely intervention and the wisdom teeth removal process in Mississauga.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth:

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge in the late teens or early twenties. These molars are located at the back of the mouth, one at the top and one at the bottom on each side. While some people may have no issues with their wisdom teeth, others experience complications due to factors such as lack of space or improper eruption angles.


Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

Pain and Discomfort:

One of the most common symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth is pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth. This may be a dull ache, throbbing pain, or sharp discomfort.

Swelling and Tenderness:

Swelling and tenderness in the gums around the impacted wisdom tooth area are common symptoms. The swelling may be accompanied by redness and inflammation.

Jaw Stiffness:

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause stiffness and difficulty in opening the mouth fully. Individuals may experience jaw pain or discomfort when attempting to eat or speak.

Bad Breath:

Difficulty cleaning around impacted wisdom teeth can lead to the accumulation of bacteria, causing bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth.


Some individuals with impacted wisdom teeth may experience headaches, especially if the impacted teeth are causing tension in the jaw and surrounding muscles.


Causes of Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

Lack of Space:

The most common cause of impacted wisdom teeth is a lack of space in the jaw for these third molars to properly emerge. As a result, they may grow at odd angles or become trapped beneath the gumline.

Improper Eruption Angle:

Wisdom teeth may become impacted if they attempt to erupt at an angle that is not aligned with the rest of the teeth. This can lead to crowding, pain, and potential damage to adjacent teeth.

Late Eruption:

In some cases, wisdom teeth may erupt later than expected, increasing the likelihood of impaction. Late eruption can disrupt the established dental alignment.

Obstruction by Other Teeth:

Existing teeth may obstruct the path of wisdom teeth, preventing them from emerging properly. This obstruction can lead to impaction and related symptoms.

Emergency Wisdom Tooth Removal:

When impacted wisdom teeth cause severe pain, swelling, or other complications, emergency wisdom tooth removal may be recommended. This procedure involves the extraction of one or more impacted wisdom teeth to alleviate symptoms and prevent further issues. Emergency wisdom tooth removal in Mississauga is often performed by experienced oral surgeons or dentists who specialize in oral surgery.


The Process of Emergency Wisdom Tooth Removal:

Evaluation and X-rays:

The first step in emergency wisdom tooth removal is a thorough evaluation, often including X-rays to assess the position and orientation of the impacted teeth.


Before the extraction procedure, the patient is typically administered local anesthesia to numb the affected area. For more complex extractions or heightened anxiety, sedation options may be discussed.

Tooth Extraction:

The oral surgeon or dentist carefully extracts the impacted wisdom tooth. This may involve making an incision in the gum to access the tooth, especially if it is partially or fully below the gumline.

Closure of the Extraction Site:

After the tooth is removed, the extraction site is usually closed with stitches to promote healing. Gauze may be placed to control bleeding.

Post-Extraction Care:

Patients receive instructions for post-extraction care, including information on managing any bleeding, avoiding certain foods, and taking prescribed medications if necessary.

Recovery After Wisdom Tooth Removal:

Recovery after emergency wisdom tooth removal varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience minimal discomfort, while others may need a few days to recover fully. It’s important to follow post-extraction care instructions, including taking any prescribed medications and attending follow-up appointments as recommended.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Mississauga:

In Mississauga, individuals have access to a range of dental professionals, including oral surgeons and dentists experienced in wisdom teeth removal. When faced with symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth, seeking prompt evaluation and treatment from a qualified professional is essential to prevent further complications.

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a range of symptoms, from pain and swelling to jaw stiffness and headaches. Understanding the symptoms and causes of impacted wisdom teeth is crucial for prompt intervention and appropriate treatment. Emergency wisdom tooth removal may be necessary in cases of severe pain or complications. If you suspect you have impacted wisdom teeth or are experiencing related symptoms, seeking the expertise of a dental professional in Mississauga is the first step toward relief and optimal oral health. Remember, timely intervention can prevent the worsening of symptoms and ensure a smoother recovery process after wisdom tooth removal.

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